About Us

Passion Driven

That's right...this business was born out of pure passion for fashion jewelry...10 years on and we continue to strive to bring you only the BEST at the BEST price and BEST quality!

How to take care of Fashion Jewellery

Fashion wear is not for daily use. Once you have used them,wipe them clean with a dry cloth and keep it in a air tight box.

Bubble Wrap

We send you the jewels in bubble wrap for a reason. Keep them wrapped for maximum protection.

Avoid Perfume

Be sure not to spray your perfumes with your costume jewels on!

Understand your jewels

Cubic Zirconia (CZ) and American Diamond (AD) jewels tend to last longer then normal gold plated jewels.

Silica Gel Packs

Throw in a few Silica Gel packs in your Jewel Box to keep the moisture away!

Avoid Tarnishing

Use a Jewel Polishing cloth for occasional cleaning of jewels when they appear out of colour.

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